Dental health is one of the most important things in our lives, we want to impress the people we love every time we smile. Over time we can use our teeth, the main issue may be decayed teeth or gum disease.If you do not have any options to cover gaps, such as dental crowns or dental bridges, you may need dental implants. Dental Implant is a very good solution for cavities and can give you the chance to have a wonderful smile again. Especially if you do not have any supporting teeth near the gap between the dental bridges, you should have dental implants Turkey. Think of dental implants as artificial tooth roots.
What is Dental Implant?
Dental Implants, based on fixed abutments in your bones, are best made of highly biocompatible titanium, and titanium allergy is very rare.Therefore, once the abutments are fixed, you may consider your dental implants as new dental roots, but you will need to heal for this unfinished dental implants procedure.Usually, you can finish your dental implant treatments in 2 or 3 months, your crowns will become clogged and you will have wonderful and powerful new teeth.
Implants can be applied to eliminate all missing tooth conditions.In the case of a single tooth deficiency, a dental implant can be applied to treat the missing tooth cavity without touching adjacent intact teeth.
In cases where more than one missing tooth is present, a dental implant can be applied for treatment with fixed dentures instead of removable dentures.
When there are no teeth left in the mouth, a dental implant can be applied to treat with fixed dentures instead of full dentures.
In the absence of teeth in the mouth, the implant can be applied to support the removable dentures and to increase the retention to prevent the denture from moving.
How Long is it necessary for Dental Implant Treatments?
You only need 2 days for each visit, but you need to come 2 times for dental treatment. The healing time depends on the health of the bone structure of each individual. Usually a recovery period of 2-3 months is required.
What is the cost of dental implant?
Dental Implants can cost you a fortune if you live in the UK or USA. Perhaps the most expensive dental implant treatments are in the UK or USA. We offer an excellent service for your needs, prices for dental implants in Turkey, perhaps the lowest prices in the world. Especially if you are in Europe, you can come directly to our clinic from anywhere in Europe within 3 hours. Usually a dental implant according to the United Kingdom or the United States from Turkey begin at least 2 times more expensive. Lets contact dental center turkey !
Dental Implant Prices in Turkey
When you compare the price of dental implants, you should definitely check out a brand, there are some local brands all over Turkey. However, we only offer global trademarks such as Straumann and Nobel Biocare. Neodent is also a sub-trademark of Straumann.You should also know that you need 2 visits, so the costs for the 2 visits will be different, you will first receive your dental implants and abutments after the healing time, you will need to visit us for your dental crowns. Also known as coating, so you can see our page for details coatings turkey.
To visit 1
Visit for 2
Full Implant Set
Usually, people with dental health problems that need to be removed need Implants, Implants for a full month, you should have 6-8 Implants, not as many as your old tooth counts. This is a common mistake made by many clinics. After the implant abutments are made, we recommend that there is a gap between 6-8 implants and zirconium crowns. You can also check all 4 dental implants for an easier and more affordable dental treatment option.
Dental Implants Passports
All Dental Implants in the world have their own passport, which identifies your global Implant ID. So with these passports, you can be sure that your dental implant brands are fully owned.
Straumann and Nobel Biocare Dental Implants have a lifetime warranty, please keep your passports, you can use them anywhere in the world.
The dental implant can be applied to any patient with good general health. Only the bone structure of the jaw should be suitable for this. The suitability of the patient’s bone structure positively affects the success of the implant. Dental implants must have a strong jawbone of a certain thickness and size for long life. If sufficient bone tissue is not available, the bone structure can be made available for implant placement with some bone placement and soft tissue operations. Implant application is not preferred in young individuals with incomplete bone development. The patient must have completed puberty for implant application. Bone development continues in boys aged 16-17-18 in girls.
There is no upper age limit for implant application in adults. Older people need more dental implants because they lose more teeth and there is a melt in the jaw bones.
Dental implant is a robust, comfortable and reliable application. Prostheses fixed to implants create the most natural structure when replacing real teeth. In the process of completing missing teeth, healthy teeth are not touched. Longer life than all dentures. Normally the effects of tooth loss will be physiological as well as psychological. As a special application that replaces the natural tooth, the implant provides the definitive and healthiest solution to any problem caused by tooth loss.
Dental implants are usually applied under local anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the operation. There may be slight pain and slight swelling after surgery. Your pain can be easily relieved with simple painkillers and swelling can be easily remedied by regular methods. The day after the procedure you will be able to continue your normal life.
Dental implants can also be applied under general anesthesia when necessary. However, under normal conditions, local anesthesia is preferred.
A successfully implanted dental implant is more resistant to more factors than the natural tooth root after osseointegration. There are implants that can be followed for 30-40 years and can be used without any problem.
There are several factors that determine the life of implants. The most important of these is the health status of the implanted person and the care given to the implants. Continuous oral care will keep the implant site healthy.
Implant applications require advanced technology and long-term processing. Therefore, they require a higher expenditure than routine dental treatment. In a study of patients whose implant treatment was completed, patients stated that they received a return on their investment and would do the same thing again if necessary.
There is a chance of using fixed dentures even in toothless mouths; removable removable prosthesis. Necessary retention can be achieved in removable removable prostheses since there is not enough bone support. Problems such as reduced taste and nausea resulting from the design of upper total prostheses covering the palates are eliminated. A more aesthetic appearance is obtained.
Food can be chewed much better, which means a better chewing function and therefore a healthier and more balanced diet. With the increase in self-confidence, a happier social life is created.
The correct diagnosis is essential for the success of the implants. In addition, overall health needs to be good, meaning there is sufficient recovery potential. For example, the presence of diabetes adversely affects the success of the implant. The implant should be cleaned and maintained by the patient completely and accurately. In addition, the surgical procedure performed by the doctor and the prosthesis applied on the implant affect the success of the implant. In addition, excessive smoking and / or excessive alcohol use will adversely affect implant success. Implants have a very high success rate of 98% when properly diagnosed.